I have over 20 years experience as an environmental and ecological modeller. I have specialized in process-based models which describe and predict complex above-and belowground processes in agricultural and natural ecosystems.

I am a quick learner with a very wide interest in ecology and agriculture and a love of mathematical equations. As lecturer of the course 'Ecological modelling' I have helped students develop models on very diverse topics and using a wide range of tools. I specialize in getting the logic of the model system correct, while for the data-flow and optimal coding I generally lean on my partner Gert Cauwenberg. With a Hirsch Index of 29 I can say I have a strong track record in scientific publishing.

Gaby Deckmyn

Professional experience

2023 - current: GeGa Consulting

  • Current project: soil C modelling for C credits

1996-current: UAntwerpen

  • Senior scientist

  • Lecturer 'Ecological Modeling'

2018-2023: Semper-CVO

  • parttime Maths teacher


  • Model development

  • Data analysis

  • Flowchart development

  • Bayesian statistics

  • Python

  • Fortran

  • R (basic)


Dutch Mother tongue

English Fluent

French Fluent

German Basic

Spanish Basic

Hungarian Basic


Bortier, Michiel F., Enrique Andivia, Jose G. Genon, Tine Grebenc, and Gaby Deckmyn. 2018. “Towards Understanding the Role of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi in Forest Phosphorus Cycling : A Modelling Approach” 64 (2): 79–95. https://doi.org/10.1515/FORJ-2017-0037.

Bošela, Michal, František Máliš, Ladislav Kulla, Vladimir Šebeň, and Gaby Deckmyn. 2013. “Ecologically Based Height Growth Model and Derived Raster Maps of Norway Spruce Site Index in the Western Carpathians”. European Journal of Forest Research 132 (5-6): 691–705. https://doi.org/10.1007/S10342-013-0708-Z.

Cayenberghs, E., and G. Deckmyn. 2000. “Effects of UV-B Radiation on Photosynthesis of Tall Fescue”. In , 243–52. Wilrijk: University of Antwerp, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen.

Cayenberghs, E., G. Deckmyn, and R. Ceulemans. 2001. “Decreased Ultraviolet-b Radiation Alters the Vertical Biomass Distribution in Cocksfoot”. Biologia Plantarum 44: 385–89. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1012498811945.

Ceulemans, R., J. Bogaert, G. Deckmyn, and I. Nijs. 2000. “Preface”. In . Wilrijk: University of Antwerp, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen.

Ceulemans, R., J. Bogaert, G. Deckmyn, and I. Nijs, eds. 2000. Topics in Ecology: Structure and Functions in Plants and Ecosystems. Edited by R. Ceulemans, J. Bogaert, G. Deckmyn, and I. Nijs. Wilrijk: University of Antwerp, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen.

Deckmyn, G., and R. Ceulemans. 2000. “UV-B Radiation and Plants: Threat or Regulator?”. In , 225–33. Wilrijk: University of Antwerp, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen.

Deckmyn, G., and I. Impens. 1995. The Importance of Climatic Factors in Determining the Sensitivity of Rye to Increased Levels of Solar UV-B Radiation. Proceedings of the First European Symposium on the Effects of Environmental UV-B Radiation on Health and Ecosystems / Bauer, H. [edit.]. s.l.

Deckmyn, G., and I. Impens. 1995. “UV-B Increases the Harvest Index of Bean (**phaseolus Vulgaris** L.)”. Plant, Cell and Environment 18: 1426–33. https://doi.org/10.1111/J.1365-3040.1995.TB00204.X.

Deckmyn, G., and I. Impens. 1997. “The Uv-b/photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Determines the Sensitivity of Rye to Increased UV-B Radiation”. Environmental and Experimental Botany 37: 3–12.

Deckmyn, G., and I. Impens. 1998. “Effects of Solar UV-B Irradiation on Vegetative and Generative Growth of Bromus Catharticus” 40: 179–85. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0098-8472(98)00035-5.

Deckmyn, G., and I. Impens. 1999. “Seasonal Responses of Six Poaceae to Differential Levels of Solar UV-B Radiation”. Environmental and Experimental Botany 41: 177–84. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0098-8472(98)00061-6.

Deckmyn, G., and Ivan Impens. 1998. “UV-B and PAR in a Grass (lolium Perenne L.) Canopy”. Plant Ecology 137: 13–19. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008004113346.

Deckmyn, G., M. Campioli, B. Muys, and H. Kraigher. 2011. “Simulating C Cycles in Forest Soils : Including the Active Role of Micro-organisms in the ANAFORE Forest Model”. Ecological Modelling 222 (12): 1972–85. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ECOLMODEL.2011.03.011.

Deckmyn, G., E. Cayenberghs, and R. Ceulemans. 2001. “Reduced UV-B in Greenhouses Decreases White Clover Response to Enhance <tex>$co_{2}$</tex>”. Environmental and Experimental Botany 46: 109–17. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0098-8472(01)00087-9.

Deckmyn, G., E. Cayenberghs, and R. Ceulemans. 2001. “UV-B and PAR in Single and Mixed Canopies Grown Under Different UV-B Exclusions in the Field”. Plant Ecology 154: 125–33. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1012920716047.

Deckmyn, G., R. Ceulemans, D. Rasse, D.A. Sampson, J. Garcia, and B. Muys. 2003. “Modelling the Carbon Sequestration of a Mixed, Uneven-aged, Managed Forest Using the Process Model SECRETS: Chapter 13”. In Modelling Forest System / Amaro, A. [edit.], 143–55. Wallingford: CABI. https://doi.org/10.1079/9780851996936.0143.

Deckmyn, G., I. Laureysens, J. Garcia, B. Muys, and R. Ceulemans. 2004. “Poplar Growth and Yield in Short Rotation Coppice: Model Simulations Using the Process Model SECRETS”. Biomass and Bioenergy 26: 221–27. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0961-9534(03)00121-1.

Deckmyn, G., C. Martens, and I. Impens. 1994. “Effects of Changes in Solar Ultraviolet-b Radiation on Young Bean Plants Under Different Climatic Conditions”. In Vegetation, Modelling and Climatic Change Effects / Veroustraete, F. [edit.], 63–72. The Hague: SPB Academic Publishing.

Deckmyn, G., C. Martens, and I. Impens. 1994. “The Importance of the Ratio Uv-b/photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) During Leaf Development as Determining Factor of Plant Sensitivity to Increased UV-B Irradiance: Effects on Growth, Gas Exchange and Pigmentation of Bean Plants (**phaseolus Vulgaris** L.)”. Plant, Cell and Environment 17: 295–301.

Deckmyn, G., A. Meyer, M. M. Smits, A. Ekblad, T. Grebenc, A. Komarov, and H. Kraigher. 2014. “Simulating Ectomycorrhizal Fungi and Their Role in Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Forest Ecosystems”. Revue Canadienne De Recherche Forestière 44 (6): 535–53. https://doi.org/10.1139/CJFR-2013-0496.

Deckmyn, G., B. Muys, J. Garcia Quijano, and R. Ceulemans. 2004. “Carbon Sequestration Following Afforestation of Agricultural Soils: Comparing Oak/beech Forest to Short-rotation Poplar Coppice Combining a Process and a Carbon Accounting Model”. Global Change Biology 10: 1482–91. https://doi.org/10.1111/J.1365-2486.2004.00832.X.

Deckmyn, G., I. Nijs, and R. Ceulemans. 2000. “A Simple Method to Determine Leaf Angles of Grass Species”. Journal of Experimental Botany 51: 1467–70. https://doi.org/10.1093/JEXBOT/51.349.1467.

Deckmyn, G., M. op de Beeck, M. Löw, C. Then, H. Verbeeck, P. Wipfler, and R. Ceulemans. 2007. “Modelling Ozone Effects on Adult Beech Trees Through Simulation of Defence, Damage, and Repair Costs: Implementation of the CASIROZ Ozone Model in the ANAFORE Forest Model” 9: 320–30. https://doi.org/10.1055/S-2006-924762.

Deckmyn, G., H. Verbeeck, M. op de Beeck, D. Vansteenkiste, K. Steppe, and R. Ceulemans. 2008. “ANAFORE: A Stand-scale Process-based Forest Model That Includes Wood Tissue Development and Labile Carbon Storage in Trees”. Ecological Modelling 215 (4): 345–68. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ECOLMODEL.2008.04.007.

Deckmyn, Gaby, and Ivan Impens. 1997. “Combined Effects of Enhanced UV-B Radiation and Nitrogen Deficiency on the Growth, Composition and Photosynthesis of Rye (**secale Cereale**)”. Plant Ecology 128: 235–40. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1009715025083.

Deckmyn, Gaby, Sam P. Evans, and Tim J. Randle. 2006. “Refined Pipe Theory for Mechanistic Modeling of Wood Development”. Tree Physiology 26: 703–17. https://doi.org/10.1093/TREEPHYS/26.6.703.

Deckmyn, Gaby, Omar Flores, Mathias Mayer, Xavier Domene, Andrea Schnepf, Katrin Kuka, Kris Van Looy, et al. 2020. “KEYLINK: Towards a More Integrative Soil Representation for Inclusion in Ecosystem Scale Models. I. Review and Model Concept”. Peerj 8: 1–69. https://doi.org/10.7717/PEERJ.9750.

Deckmyn, Gaby, Bostjan Mali, Hojka Kraigher, Niko Torelli, op de Beek, and Reinhart Ceulemans. 2009. “Using the Process-based Stand Model ANAFORE Including Bayesian Optimisation to Predict Wood Quality and Quantity and Their Uncertainty in Slovenian Beech”. Silva Fennica 43 (3): 523–34. https://doi.org/10.14214/SF.204.

Fischer, Milan, Miroslav Trnka, Jiri Kucera, Gaby Deckmyn, Matej Orsag, Pavel Sedlak, Zdenek Zalud, and Reinhart Ceulemans. 2013. “Evapotranspiration of a High-density Poplar Stand in Comparison with a Reference Grass Cover in the Czech-moravian Highlands”. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 181: 43–60. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.AGRFORMET.2013.07.004.

Flores, Omar, Gaby Deckmyn, Jorge Curiel Yuste, Mathieu Javaux, Alexei Uvarov, van der Linde, De Vos, et al. 2021. “KEYLINK : Towards a More Integrative Soil Representation for Inclusion in Ecosystem Scale Models-ii: Model Description, Implementation and Testing”. Peerj 9. https://doi.org/10.7717/PEERJ.10707.

Fu, Yongshuo H., Matteo Campioli, Gaby Deckmyn, and Ivan A. Janssens. 2013. “Sensitivity of Leaf Unfolding to Experimental Warming in Three Temperate Tree Species”. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 181: 125–32. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.AGRFORMET.2013.07.016.

Fu, Yongshuo H., Matteo Campioli, Gaston Demarée, Alex Deckmyn, Rafiq Hamdi, Ivan A. Janssens, and Gaby Deckmyn. 2012. “Bayesian Calibration of the Unified Budburst Model in Six Temperate Tree Species”. International Journal of Biometeorology 56 (1): 153–64. https://doi.org/10.1007/S00484-011-0408-7.

Fu, Yongshuo H., Matteo Campioli, Van Oijen, Gaby Deckmyn, and Ivan A. Janssens. 2012. “Bayesian Comparison of Six Different Temperature-based Budburst Models for Four Temperate Tree Species”. Ecological Modelling 230: 92–100. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ECOLMODEL.2012.01.010.

Fu, Yongshuo S.H., Matteo Campioli, Yann Vitasse, Hans J. de Boeck, Joke van den Berge, Hamada Abd Elgawad, Han Asard, Shilong Piao, Gaby Deckmyn, and Ivan A. Janssens. 2014. “Variation in Leaf Flushing Date Influences Autumnal Senescence and Next Year's Flushing Date in Two Temperate Tree Species”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (20): 7355–60. https://doi.org/10.1073/PNAS.1321727111.

Fu, Yongshuo, Matteo Campioli, Gaby Deckmyn, and Ivan A. Janssens. 2012. “The Impact of Winter and Spring Temperatures on Temperate Tree Budburst Dates : Results from an Experimental Climate Manipulation”. Plos ONE 7 (10): 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0047324.

Garcia-Quijano, Juan F., Gaby Deckmyn, Reinhart Ceulemans, van Orshoven, and Bart Muys. 2008. “Scaling from Stand to Landscape Scale of Climate Change Mitigation by Afforestation and Forest Management: A Modeling Approach”. Climatic Change 36 (3/4): 397–424. https://doi.org/10.1007/S10584-007-9297-5.

Garcia-Quijano, Juan F., Gaby Deckmyn, Ellen Moons, Stef Proost, Reinhart Ceulemans, and Bart Muys. 2005. “An Integrated Decision Support Framework for the Prediction and Evaluation of Efficiency, Environmental Impact and Total Social Cost of Domestic and International Forestry Projects for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation: Description and Case Studies”. Forest Ecology and Management 207: 245–62. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.FORECO.2004.10.030.

Garcia-Quijano, Juan F., Jan Peters, Liesbet Cockx, van Wyk, Andrei Rosanov, Gaby Deckmyn, Reinhart Ceulemans, Shane M. Ward, Nicholas M. Holden, and Bart Muys. 2007. “Carbon Sequestration and Environmental Effects of Afforestation with pinus Radiata D. Don in the Western Cape, South Africa”. Climatic Change 83 (3): 323–55. https://doi.org/10.1007/S10584-006-9204-5.

Gielen, Birgit, Markus Löw, Gaby Deckmyn, Ursula Metzger, Fabrice Franck, Christian Heerdt, Rainer Matyssek, Roland Valcke, and Reinhart Ceulemans. 2007. “Chronic Ozone Exposure Affects Leaf Senescence of Adult Beech Trees: A Chlorophyll Fluorescence Approach”. Journal of Experimental Botany 58 (4): 785–95. https://doi.org/10.1093/JXB/ERL222.

Grunzweig, Jose M., Hans J. de Boeck, Ana Rey, Maria J. Santos, Ori Adam, Michael Bahn, Jayne Belnap, et al. 2022. “Dryland Mechanisms Could Widely Control Ecosystem Functioning in a Drier and Warmer World”. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (8): 1064–76. https://doi.org/10.1038/S41559-022-01779-Y.

Horemans, J.A., M. Bosela, L. Dobor, M. Barna, J. Bahyl, G. Deckmyn, M. Fabrika, R. Sedmak, and R. Ceulemans. 2016. “Variance Decomposition of Predictions of Stem Biomass Increment for European Beech : Contribution of Selected Sources of Uncertainty”. Forest Ecology and Management 361: 46–55. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.FORECO.2015.10.048.

Horemans, Joanna A., Ivan A. Janssens, Bert Gielen, Marilyn Roland, Gaby Deckmyn, Arne Verstraeten, Johan Neirynck, and Reinhart Ceulemans. 2020. “Weather, Pollution and Biotic Factors Drive Net Forest - Atmosphere Exchange of CO₂ at Different Temporal Scales in a Temperate-zone Mixed Forest”. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 291. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.AGRFORMET.2020.108059.

Horemans, Joanna, Reinhart Ceulemans, and Gaby Deckmyn. 2017. Tackling Challenges in Process-based Forest Modelling : From Concept to Uncertainty. Antwerpen: Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Departement Biologie.

Horemans, Joanna, Olga Vinduskova, and Gaby Deckmyn. 2021. “How Random Are Predictions of Forest Growth? the Importance of Weather Variability”. Revue Canadienne De Recherche Forestière 51 (3): 349–56. https://doi.org/10.1139/CJFR-2019-0366.

Liao, Jinbao, Zhenqing Li, David E. Hiebeler, Magda El-Bana, Gaby Deckmyn, and Ivan Nijs. 2013. “Modelling Plant Population Size and Extinction Thresholds from Habitat Loss and Habitat Fragmentation : Effects of Neighbouring Competition and Dispersal Strategy”. Ecological Modelling 268: 9–17. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ECOLMODEL.2013.07.021.

Lin, J., D.A. Sampson, G. Deckmyn, and R. Ceulemans. 2002. “Significant Overestimation of Needle Surface Area Estimates Based on Needle Dimensions in Scots Pine (pinus Sylvestris)”. Canadian Journal of Botany 9: 927–32. https://doi.org/10.1139/B02-081.

Loew, Markus, Gaby Deckmyn, Maarten op de Beeck, Reinhart Ceulemans, and et al. 2012. “Multivariate Analysis of Physiological Parameters Reveals a Consistent <tex>$o_{3}$</tex> Response Pattern in Leaves of Adult European Beech (**fagus Sylvatica**)”. New Phytologist 196 (1): 162–72. https://doi.org/10.1111/J.1469-8137.2012.04223.X.

Matyssek, R., G. Wieser, R. Ceulemans, H. Rennenberg, H. Pretzsch, K. Haberer, M. Löw, et al. 2010. “Enhanced Ozone Strongly Reduces Carbon Sink Strength of Adult Beech (**fagus Sylvatica**): Resume from the Free-air Fumigation Study at Kranzberg Forest”. Environmental Pollution 158 (8): 2527–32. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.ENVPOL.2010.05.009.

Moons, E., S. Proost, J.F. Garcia-Quijano, G. Deckmyn, R. Ceulemans, and B. Muys. 2005. “Carbon Sinks and the Use of Biomass for Bioenergy”. In Economic Aspects of Climate Change Policy: A European and Belgian Perspective / Willems, B. [edit.], 111–19. Leuven: Acco.

Mäkelä, A., J.C. Grace, G. Deckmyn, A. Kantola, and M. Campioli. 2010. “Simulating Wood Quality in Forest Management Models”. Forest Systems 19 (SI): 48–68.

Oijen, van, C. Reyer, F.J. Bohn, G. Deckmyn, and et al. 2013. “Bayesian Calibration, Comparison and Averaging of Six Forest Models, Using Data from Scots Pine Stands Across Europe”. Forest Ecology and Management 289: 255–68. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.FORECO.2012.09.043.

op de Beeck, M., M. Löw, H. Verbeeck, and G. Deckmyn. 2007. “Suitability of a Combined Stomatal Conductance and Photosynthesis Model for Calculation of Leaf-level Ozone Fluxes” 9 (2): 331–41. https://doi.org/10.1055/S-2006-924635.

op de Beeck, Maarten, Markus Löw, Gaby Deckmyn, and Reinhart Ceulemans. 2010. “A Comparison of Photosynthesis-dependent Stomatal Models Using Twig Cuvette Field Data for Adult Beech (**fagus Sylvatica** L.)”. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150 (4): 531–40. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.AGRFORMET.2010.01.018.

Schaubroeck, Thomas, Gaby Deckmyn, Olivier Giot, Matteo Campioli, Charlotte Vanpoucke, Kris Verheyen, Benedetto Rugani, et al. 2016. “Environmental Impact Assessment and Monetary Ecosystem Service Valuation of an Ecosystem Under Different Future Environmental Change and Management Scenarios : A Case Study of a Scots Pine Forest”. Journal of Environmental Management 173: 79–94. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.JENVMAN.2016.03.005.

Schaubroeck, Thomas, Gaby Deckmyn, Johan Neirynck, Jeroen Staelens, Sandy Adriaenssens, Jo Dewulf, Bart Muys, and Kris Verheyen. 2014. “Multi Layered Modeling of Particulate Matter Removal by a Growing Forest over Time, from Plant Surface Deposition to Washoff via Rainfall”. Environmental Science and Technology 48 (18): 10785–94. https://doi.org/10.1021/ES5019724.

Verbeeck, H., K. Steppe, N. Nadezhdina, op de Beeck, G. Deckmyn, L. Meiresonne, R. Lemeur, J. Cermák, R. Ceulemans, and I.A. Janssens. 2007. “Model Analysis of the Effects of Atmospheric Drivers on Storage Water Use in Scots Pine”. Biogeosciences 4 (4): 657–71. https://doi.org/10.5194/BG-4-657-2007.

Verbeeck, Hans, Kathy Steppe, Nadja Nadezhdina, Maarten op de Beeck, Gaby Deckmyn, Linda Meiresonne, Raoul Lemeur, Jan Cermák, Reinhart Ceulemans, and Ivan A. Janssens. 2007. “Stored Water Use and Transpiration in Scots Pine: A Modeling Analysis with ANAFORE”. Tree Physiology 27: 1671–85. https://doi.org/10.1093/TREEPHYS/27.12.1671.

Vindušková, O., G. Deckmyn, M. Bortier, H.J. de Boeck, Y. Liu, and I. Nijs. 2023. “Combined Effects of Soil 3D Spatial Heterogeneity and Biotic Spatial Heterogeneity (plant Clumping) on Ecosystem Processes in Grasslands”. Ecology and Evolution 13 (10): 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1002/ECE3.10604.